Sunday, October 29, 2006

Damn you, daylight savings time.

Why do we bother? Does anyone know? I know some states don't bother. Perhaps I should seek employment within those borders. Here's what I know about falling back:
  1. I have to wait another hour for football.
  2. I'm starving at about 10:30AM.
  3. I'm hungry again at 3:30PM
  4. I'm tired at about 8:30PM.
  5. I'm disappointed each morning when I wake up at 7:00AM.
In other news, my wife is trying to put my kid in a sweater-vest. I'm doing my damnedest to stop her, but I'm only so strong. I'll be sure to counter any homosexual tendencies that will undoubtedly ensue by slipping him some beer and making him watch football today. Wish me luck...


Persico said...

Is he going to watch football and drink beer while wearing the sweater vest?

Jen said...

did you ever wear sweater vests? My brother did and look a.... wait. nevermind. I guess he did end up with a mohawk, purple hair, and a lip piercing.

Zander said...

I'm actually a huge fan of daylight savings time, sometimes I feel like the only one.

And nothing wrong with the sweater vest. Not to mention that I know more than a few gay guys who love sports, so I'm not sure your tactic will really work...

Zander said...

I feel the sudden need to mention that I have NEVER worn a sweater vest. Thank you.